BA-MEN Hotel Event RSVPs
RSVP for BA-MEN hotel or paid in advance events.
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Don't see an event you want to RSVP for?
We have split this form into 4 forms to get a better quality response as well as shorten the options for you!
For our Meet & Greet (free clothed events), please visit:
For Hotel parties, please visit:  http://BA-MEN.Org/rsvp/hotel/
For Trip events, please visit:  http://BA-MEN.Org/rsvp/trip/
For our other events, please visit:
To cancel an RSVP for any event, please visit:  http://BA-MEN.Org/rsvp/cancel/
If you have problems using this form, please email us your RSVP to:
Which event do you want to attend? *
What is your LEGAL first & last name? *
(This info will only be used for the event RSVP only and available to the BA-MEN President - No one else will see this information given on this form, and it will be used for the event only and deleted afterward.  This should be exactly the same as in the signature field at the end of this form.)
Email address: *
Please check your email address for typos...  Many often miss a letter somewhere in the address.
If bringing a partner or friend(s), what is/are their name(s)?
Please remind them of our policies, what to bring incl. dish if potluck, and requested donation for each guy attending & enter their email address(es) if they want duplicate copies of the notices on the event.  PLEASE leave BLANK if none.
If we can't contact you by email, what is your area code & phone # ?
A cell number is REQUESTED for these events.  Example: 714-234-5678 - Leave blank if we cannot contact you by phone, even if your email address doesn't work.
What food chip-in option would you prefer? *
Please chose only an option that's listed in the event details, IE: PLEASE don't chose Chinese food if pizza is the only listed option in the event's details.
Are you able to make a deposit/pre-pay for the event?  And how will you pay? *
We will invoice you if you do not submit the payment on your own if you know what contact info to use from another recent payment.
What is your Payment Option Contact or Tag info?
Please enter your email address, phone number, or tag used for the above service so we can request it from the right person.  (We have found many do not use the email address they RSVP with, so please use the contact or tag info you have registered with the site or app chosen above.)
Ride Sharing: *
If ride sharing, what MAJOR intersection are you near in what city?
Example:  Beach & Garden Grove Blvds. in Westminster
Where did you hear about this event?
Not required, but please answer if this is your first event with BA-MEN.
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Are you a currently paid member of BA-MEN or a brother club or CMG attendee?
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Any comments, questions, or suggestions?
(If you can't afford the door fee listed here or on the calendar, please say so now.)
Please understand and agree that this RSVP is a commitment.  Please sign this statement below by typing ONLY your LEGAL first & last name, which should be same as #2 field on this form.  (Nothing else here, please!) *
I agree that any deposit(s) paid are un-refundable after the original posted pre-payment deadline, which is normally 1 week prior to the event.  All payments made will be returned via the same method, which may require a fee be subtracted in the case of some, like PayPal.  All payments will have to fully clear the bank before any refunds are issued, which may be 2 weeks to 30 days.  Under no circumstances will any deposits be refunded after the deadline unless BA-MEN must cancel or reschedule the event.  You MUST enter at least your LEGAL FIRST & LAST NAME below - NO EXCEPTIONS if you want your RSVP to be accepted, as this is a legal Federal/State requirement in order to accept the agreement mentioned here.
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